Top 10 Native English Speaking Countries [Report 2025]

English is the most common spoken language on the planet, with international influence. In addition, English is a member of the Germanic language family. That means it’s descended from Proto-Germanic, along with German, Dutch and Swedish, along with 43 other living Germanic languages.

If you go back even further up the language family tree, English is an Indo-European language, which is one of the largest language families in the world and comprises most of the languages spoken that originated in Europe. Here is a list of the top native English speaking countries in the world:

1. United States of America (USA)

English is the most widely spoken language in the USA. Before attaining freedom, US was a British colony. As a result, the British influenced much of the country’s language and culture. In addition, the bulk of the country’s people are of British origin, which, among other things, has led to English’s dominance in American culture and tradition and also language.

Aside from the obvious and quite good education and employment advantages of speaking English fluently in the United States, the English language has long acted as a uniting factor among Americans of different ethnic backgrounds and national origins. Furthermore, Americans follow a wide range of religions and political views, but language has always been a unifying connection.

The English language serves as a unifier for the entire world. It is the language that billions of people all over the globe want to learn, not because they love the United States, but because it will help them gain economic power. According to the findings, a population’s English abilities are positively associated with that population’s economic success.

2. Canada

93.4 percent of Canadians speak English on a regular basis at home, indicating that English remains the language of integration and inclusion in Canadian society. In addition, a working understanding of English is held by over 86 percent of Canadians. Both English and French have federal status under the Official Language Law of 1969.

Apart from Quebec and Nunavut, English is the most widely spoken language in Canada. Over 19 million Canadians speak English as their first language. Canadian English is a blend of British and American English that is closely linked to the many other varieties of English spoken across the world. Both American and British English had a big impact on Canadian English.

3. United Kingdom (UK)

In addition to many regional languages, English is widely spoken in the United Kingdom in several languages. The British Isles are home to 11 native languages, three of which are Romance, five Celtic, and three Germanic. The Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of medieval England gave rise to the English language. For more than 1,400 years, the language has been evolving.

The arrival of the Anglo-Saxons in British land in the 5th century aided the language’s supremacy. Since Latin functioned as the dominant language of the Christian Church and the European intellectual scene in some manner, many English terms are of Latin origin. Almost the whole nation speaks English as their primary language. Furthermore, most of the official academic work is done here in English.

4. Australia

The pronunciation and words of Australian English are uncommon. Australians speak about 200 different languages collectively. Australian English is comparable to British English. It grew into a revolutionary subculture after that. The use of strine and slang terms, however, varies from state to state.

In addition, several Aboriginal terms can be found in Australian English. Misspellings such as labor/labor and program/program exist because individuals can’t determine which English to use.

Furthermore, unlike other English-speaking nations across the world, many terms used on a daily basis in Australia have various meanings. Most of Australia’s government work, publications, academic world is ruled and followed by English.

5. New Zealand

New Zealand is a country in the Pacific Ocean. The majority of New Zealanders speak English as their first language. Meanwhile, Mori is the country’s most widely spoken indigenous language. In New Zealand’s outer islands and territories, a variety of native languages are spoken. Immigrants speak their native tongues in the nation. English is New Zealand’s country’s official language and the country’s most frequently spoken language.

The majority of New Zealanders have a good command of the English language. The dialect is still spoken by 3,819,969 people in New Zealand, constituting 96.14 percent of the population. Furthermore, it is the language of Official work, Business, Commerce, Medicine and Health and technology.

6. South Africa

In South Africa, English is the most widely spoken foreign language. In the Western Cape, Gauteng, and KwaZulu-Natal provinces, over 10% of South Africans speak English as their first language. English is spoken by people of all ethnic groups and serves as a bridge between various languages and non-citizens.

In addition, English is also utilized in most schools and institutions with overseas pupils as a commercial and educational language. In South Africa, Afrikaans is the third most widely spoken language. During Apartheid, the South African government employed this terminology.

The country’s institutions, including schools, utilized either English or Afrikaans as the official language, resulting in the two foreign languages’ prominence in the country. Moreover, these foreign languages are currently spoken by approximately 12 million people in the nation.

7. Ireland

On the island of Ireland, English remains the primary language, but in true Irish spirit, we’ve given it our own spin and created Hiberno-English. Hiberno-English incorporates Irish grammatical styles into the English language. Similarly, in Ireland they try to use English for their business purposes, academic areas and their tourism industry. As English is a universal language, they keep that in mind.

8. The Bahamas

Although English is spoken on almost every island in the Bahamas, the Bahamas, like nearly every Caribbean island, has its own unique creole dialect. In addition, the Bahamas’ national and official Language.

British immigrants landed on the island in the 1700s, and it became a British protectorate, introducing the English language. The majority of Bahamians speak a distinct dialect of English known as Bahamian English. Moreover, in the Bahamas, British English is utilized in government, culture, academia, and commercial transactions.

9. Barbados

The island’s official language is English. After making Barbados a protectorate in the 17th century, British immigrants adopted the language. The use of English in official contexts on the island demands conformity to conventional British English norms and practices.

In addition, English is today the island’s most widely spoken native language. As a written and spoken language, English is utilized in legal issues, business, and education, as well as in the media and public service. The use of English in official contexts on the island demands conformity to conventional British English norms and practices.

10. Malta

Malta is a small island off the coast of Italy that has one of the finest climates in Europe, as well as excellent tourist attractions and food. Because English is a co-official language with Maltese and is taught to children in schools from an early age, it is most commonly spoken in Malta.

In accordance with organizational procedures, government business is conducted in both Maltese and English in Malta, while English is widely used in the corporate sphere. Schoolchildren there begin learning English at a young age, and virtually all adults are fluent in the language. In contrast, English is also widely used on food containers and traffic signs.

FAQ on English as a Native Language in Various Countries

Are Ghanaians Native English Speakers?

Ghanaians are typically not native English speakers. While English serves as the official language and is used extensively in government, education, and media, most people learn it as a second language. Indigenous languages are often spoken at home.

Are Kenyans Native English Speakers?

In Kenya, the majority of the population does not speak English as their first language. English is one of the official languages and is widely used in formal settings, but Swahili and various indigenous languages are more commonly spoken at home.

Are South Africans Native English Speakers?

English is one of the official languages in South Africa, but it is not the native language for most of the population. People generally speak other languages such as Afrikaans, Zulu, or Xhosa at home and learn English as a second language.

Is Ghana a Native English Speaking Country?

Ghana is not classified as a native English speaking country. Despite English being the official language utilized in formal contexts like government and education, it is generally learned as a second language with indigenous languages predominating in daily life.

Is Nigeria a Native English Speaking Country?

Nigeria is considered a non-native English speaking country. Although English holds official status and is used in various formal sectors, Nigerians generally speak it as a second language, favoring indigenous languages in everyday interactions.

Is the Philippines a Native English Speaking Country?

The Philippines is not deemed a native English speaking country. English, although one of the official languages and widely used in formal sectors, is typically spoken as a second language. Filipino (Tagalog) and other local languages are more commonly spoken at home.

Is Uganda a Native English Speaking Country?

Uganda does not qualify as a native English speaking country. English is the official language and is commonly used in formal contexts like education and government, but the majority of Ugandans speak it as a second language, with indigenous languages being more common in domestic settings.

Is Zimbabwe a Native English Speaking Country?

Zimbabwe is not recognized as a native English speaking country. While English serves as the official language and is used in formal environments including government and education, the population generally speaks it as a second language, with Shona and Ndebele being the primary indigenous languages spoken daily.

To conclude, English, the world’s third most commonly spoken language, is spoken and taught in over 118 countries and is widely used as a commerce or diplomatic language across the world. Technology, transportation, computing, politics, and tourism all use it. Last but not least, it is the worldwide information, media, and digital language.

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